Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ch #194: Sketch Challenge

Happy Diva Tuesday!
Welcome back for another Die Cuttin' Diva challenge.
We had some wonderful takes on our challenge last week.

This Week's Challenge...
~ Sketch Challenge ~
keep it the same or flip it!

Our Dynamic Diva Design Team...

Dusty ~

Esther ~

 Evelyn ~

Gerda ~

L.B. ~

Leslie ~

Shelly ~
coming soon

This Week's Sponsor...
~ Stitchy Bear Digi Outlet ~
prize is...
3 Images (Winner's Choice) Valued up to $10.00

Our Shaped Challenge Showcase picks...

Thank you for sharing your Diva creation.

Remember...You have one week to plan, create, and submit your project. Please include which die cut you used and a link back to our site.

We are looking forward to all those creative projects you share this week.


  1. Thanks so much for selecting me as your winner! How do I claim my prize?

  2. Thanks so much for showcasing my card! Congrats to the others as well~ fabulous cards this week DT!
    Tammy x


Thanks for your comments! Have a Diva filled day!